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Ob zaključku 14. Mednarodnega likovnega natečaja Bodi umetnik ‘Igraj se z mano’ bi se želeli zahvaliti čisto vsakemu od vas, ki je s sodelovanjem prispeval k pestrosti in barvitosti našega natečaja. ? Zelo nas veseli, da ste se odzvali našemu vabilu kljub oviram, ki nam jih je postavila epidemija koronavirusa. Hvala vsem našim zvestim udeležencem, pa tudi tistim, ki ste se nam pridružili šele letos! Upamo, da je to začetek našega ustvarjalnega sodelovanja. ?
14. Mednarodni likovni natečaj Bodi umetnik ‘Igraj se z mano’ nam je prinesel 3601 likovno delo iz 315 različnih ustanov (od tega 17 tujih). Likovna dela je poslalo 526 mentorjev iz 7 različnih držav. ?️
Na letošnjem natečaju smo ustvarjali na dve temi: IGRAJ SE Z MANO⚽ in DOBER TEK, SLOVENIJA. ZDRAVO UŽIVAJ IN VEČ GIBAJ?. Prejeli smo krasna in izjemno raznolika likovna dela. Komaj čakamo, da jih delimo z vami na otvoritvi virtualne razstave 14. Mednarodnega likovnega natečaja Bodi umetnik ‘Igraj se z mano’! ?️
?Otvoritev spletne razstave bo potekala na naši Facebook strani Igraj se z mano, v četrtek 11. 3. 2021 ob 17:00 uri! ✨
Seznam izbranih likovnih del si lahko ogledate TUKAJ.
Conclusion of the 14th International Art Contest Be an Artist ‘Play with Me’✨
At the end of the 14th International Art contest be an Artist ‘Play with me’ we would like to thank each of you who contributed to the diversity and color of our competition. ? We are very pleased that you have responded to our invitation despite the obstacles posed by the coronavirus epidemic. Thank you to all our loyal participants, as well as to those who joined us only this year! We hope this is the beginning of our creative collaboration. ?
The 14th Be an Artist International Art contest ‘Play with me’ brought us 3601 artworks from 315 different institutions (17 of those from abroad). The artwork was by 526 mentors from 7 different countries. ?️
At this years contest we created on two topics: PLAY WITH ME ⚽ and HAVE A GOD MEAL, SLOVENIA. EAT HEALTHY AND EXCERCISE ?. We received wonderful and diverse artworks. We can’t wait to share them with you at the opening of the virtual exhibition of the 14th Be an Artist International Art contest ‘Play with me’!?️
?The opening of the virtual exhibition will be held on our Facebook page Play with me (Igraj se z mano) on Thursday, March 11th 2021 at 5pm! ✨
You can see the list of chosen art works HERE.