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Letos se je odvil že 14. Mednarodni likovni dogodek Bodi umetnik ‘Igraj se z mano’.?
Iskrena hvala vsem sodelujočim, ki ste se prepustili domišljiji in ustvarjali na temi ‘Igraj se z mano’⚽ in ‘Dober tek, Slovenija. Zdravo uživaj in več gibaj’!? Hvala tudi vsem, ki ste nam pomagali postaviti virtualno razstavo v končno podobo!?
V organizaciji Društva za kulturo inkluzije in Centra Jenza Levca Ljubljana smo v sodelovanju s Koroško narodno galerijo likovnih umetnosti uspešno izvedli tudi letošnji Mednarodni likovni dogodek Bodi umetnik ‘Igraj se z mano’. ?
V štirih virtualnih galerijah, dveh na temo ‘Igraj se z mano’ in dveh na temo ‘Dober tek Slovenija. Zdravo uživaj in več gibaj’, se nahaja 306 izbranih likovnih del. Prav vsa likovna dela, natančneje 3601, ki smo jih prejeli, so prečudovita in si zaslužijo posebno pohvalo. Otroci, mladostniki in odrasli, avtorji likovnih del, izjemno smo ponosni na vaš trud! Hvala vsem mentorjem in somentorjem, ki ste jih spodbujali!?
Znova smo dokazali, da skupaj zmoremo še več!?
Želimo vam prijeten ogled razstave. In ne pozabite, znotraj razstav se skrivajo presenečenja. Če jih najdete, nam pošljite kakšno fotografijo kar na Facebook!
Virtualna razstava Bodi umetnik:
- Galerija Bodi umetnik – Igraj se z mano#1
- Galerija Bodi umetnik – Dober tek Slovenija. Zdravo uživaj in več gibaj#1
- Galerija Bodi umetnik – Igraj se z mano#2
- Galerija Bodi umetnik – Dober tek Slovenija. Zdravo uživaj in več gibaj#2
14th International Art event Be an Artist ‘Play with me’✨
This year the already 14th Be an Artist International Art Event ‘Play with Me’ took place.?
We would like to thank all the participants, who indulged their imagination and created on the topics ‘Play with me’ ⚽ and ‘Dober tek, Slovenija. Eat healthy and exercise’!? And to all who helped us realise the final form of the virtual exhibition, a sincere thank you!?
Organised by the Association of Inclusive Culture and Center Janez Levec Ljubljana and co-organised by the Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts, this year’s international art event Be an Artist ‘Play with Me’ was a success! ?
In four virtual galleries, two on the topic ‘Play with me’ and two on the topic ‘Dober tek, Slovenia. Eat healthy and exercise’, 306 artworks were selected. All the of the submitted artworks, 3601 to be precise, are beautiful and deserve special praise. Children, adolescents and adults, authors of artworks, we are extremely proud of your efforts! Thanks to all the mentors and co-mentors who encouraged you!?
For another year, we have proven that together we can do even more!?
We wish you a pleasant viewing of the exhibition. And remember, there are surprises hidden in the exhibitions. If you find them, send us a photo on Facebook!
Virtual exhibition Be an Artist:
- Gallery Be an Artist – Play with me#1
- Gallery be an Artist – Dober tek, Slovenija. Eat healthy and exercise#1
- Gallery Be an Artist – Play with me#2
- Gallery Be an Artist – Dober tek, Slovenija. Eat healthy and exercise#2